
At ABWA the students are provided with the option of continuing their international education after Grade 10. To facilitate this, we offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program and the Cambridge A level program. Both curricula encourage students to be internationally-minded, to think critically and challenge assumptions within today's complex and well connected world.

The school conducts an orientation for all parents of students of Grade 10 and during this session the specifics of the programs are shared to enable and equip the students to make an informed choice.

history of ib program  
Ib Program In ABWA
Ib Program In ABWA
Ib Program In ABWA
Ib Program In ABWA
Ib Program In ABWA

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, founded in 1968, is a two-year programme after Grade 10, at the end of which students are evaluated through internal and external assessments for an internationally acceptable qualification for entry into university. 
The IB Programme is taught in English, French and Spanish in 3630 schools in 146 countries. It offers four challenging programmes to over 1,115,000 students aged 3 to 19 years.

The Diploma programme, whilst incorporating the best educational practices from several countries, is a comprehensive and challenging experience that allows students to fulfil the requirements of their state and national education systems. The DP incorporates the best elements of national systems, without being based on any single one.

about the Program  

The DP assessment is criterion-referenced: each student's performance is measured against well-defined levels of achievement. Scores reflect knowledge and skills relative to set standards applied equally to all schools. Academic judgments about candidates are evaluated by over 5000 examiners from around the world, led by chief examiners with international authority in their fields.

The DP curriculum aims to develop in students the ability to reason for themselves, rather than merely accumulate facts. It provides a thorough education in a broad wide range of subjects.

Aims to enhance awareness of our common humanity
Aims to prepare students for higher education
Aims to encourage a sense of social responsibility

It empowers students to pursue their interests and become active learners within a framework that provides a sound and balanced education.

Diploma Programme curriculum framework

The IB Diploma programme student must choose one subject from each of the five groups (1 to 5), to ensure a breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding.

Best Language
Additional Language
Social Sciences
Experimental Sciences

The 6th subject may be selected from Group 3, 4, or 6.

IBDP Result  
subjects offered  
GROUPS subjects
Studies in Language & Literature
English A Language & Literature (HL & SL) | Hindi A Literature (HL & SL)
Language Acquisition
Language B English (HL & SL) | Hindi B (HL & SL) | French B (HL & SL) | French ab initio | Spanish B (HL & SL) | Spanish ab initio
Individual & Societies
Geography (HL & SL) | Economics (HL & SL) | Business & Management (HL & SL) | ITGS (HL & SL) | Psychology (HL & SL)| Global Politics (HL & SL)
Experimental Sciences
Biology (HL & SL) | Chemistry (HL & SL) | Computer Science (HL & SL) | Physics (HL & SL) | Environmental Systems & Societies SL
Math (HL-Analysis and Approaches, SL-Analysis and Approaches), (HL-Applications and Interpretation, SL-Applications and Interpretation)
The Arts
Visual Arts (HL & SL)
section head’s message  

The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

The missions of ABWA & IB DP have been integrated and brought together to achieve excellent breadth and depth of knowledge and to help students flourish physically, intellectually, emotionally and ethically.

The students are encouraged to study at least two languages and excel in traditional academic subjects.

The core components of the DP add an all new dimension to the learning. The students explore the nature of knowledge through the programme’s unique Theory of Knowledge course. The Extended Essay asks students to engage in independent research through an in-depth study of a question relating to one of the DP subjects they are studying.

The three strands of CAS of Creativity, Activity and Service provide platforms for students to explore and extend their ideas, develop a healthy lifestyle and engage with the community to fulfil an authentic need.

We emphasise the development of non-academic skills to prepare them for life. The Internship program and the career counselling leads students to doors they thought never existed to pursue their passion.

It gives me great pride in stating that at our school we place paramount importance to the process, not just the product and make our students lifelong learners.

more academic information
Extended Essay


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