5 ways in which parents can help children studying in international school

'5 ways in which parents can help children in studies'

As parents, we play a central role in our child’s life by being their role models and guiding them throughout life. It is crucial to create the right balance every step of the way and that is probably the toughest job in the world.

My son’s school has consistently ranked in best 10 schools of Mumbai, though I find it to be the best international school in Mumbai as there is always a balance between work and fun with its holistic approach to learning . Engaging the little minds in a coherent manner of learning can sometimes get really challenging, but the international schools/IBDP schools in Mumbai help us greatly to put our minds at ease.

There are a lot of ways in which parents can help their children in studies, and I would like to enlist a few below:

  • By being their constant support system while giving them their space is the most tacit form of showing that we care for their emotional and mental well-being; by letting them know that they can reach out to us for anything, anytime. As a parent, do highlight their areas of improvement and let them find their own way after making mistakes. But be sure to let them know you are always proud of them- no matter what. Positive reinforcement greatly helps build their confidence levels.
  • In today’s fast paced world where one struggles to keep up with technology, it is crucial to know how on-screen time is being utilized. It is impossible to keep them away from electronics especially with online learning, however, our children will be blessed if we can encourage them to use the electronics to their advantage by fun-based learning methods like videos, games, audiobooks, quizzes etc. for understanding new concepts and reinforcements, rather than mindless viewing.
  • Never compare- Always inspire them to do better than their own selves and not others. Introducing comparisons with their peers usually turns out to have a negative impact on little minds. So if you must instil competition, encourage them to compete with their own previous attempt, navigate with the knowledge that they can do better.
  • Help the children to chart out and follow a schedule or a routine- allocate enough time for their activities and enjoyment along with academics. It is crucial to include ample time for outdoor play, family time, some form of exercise, meditation or yoga and a minimum time to spend studying on a daily basis. Children having had a good night’s sleep can focus and perform better academically, especially if their dietary needs have been taken care of with well-balanced meals.
  • Having a designated space for studying is very important, along with minimal disturbances during study time especially with younger siblings, space constraints, etc. playing a major role in distractions causing them to take unnecessary breaks.

Additional tips:

Ask them to teach you the concept to gauge their understanding and give them hints to answer their own questions whenever possible. This slowly becomes a habit for revision and empowers them tremendously.

Make the most of mealtimes- get to know what they are studying so you can connect with their happenings, discuss what was done at school, enquire about their academics as staying involved with your child’s studies and helping them with the challenges they face are of utmost importance.

Plan educational trips, watch relevant shows, play quizzes or games around concepts they have learnt at school as a family.

I often share with my son what my routine was like when I was a student and how I would tackle the situation if I were in his place. I gave him real life examples of how I’d love finishing my work on or before time instead of postponing or pushing it to later and then missing deadlines, and he actually got inspired to finish all work by first half so he can have undisturbed play time throughout the day.

It is imperative to remember that even parents need to constantly keep learning and evolving with children, and so parenting skills should keep improvising while keeping up with the times.

As a parent, always trust your instincts and remember that no matter how they perform in their studies, you are always going to be proud of them no matter what.

I would like to end with my favourite quote: the only place where success comes before work is the dictionary.

Why should parents consider IB schools in Mumbai for their kids- https://www.adityabirlaworldacademy.com/blog/why-should-parents-consider-IB-schools-for-their-kids

Tips and advice for parents before getting their children enrolled in best international school in Mumbai.- https://www.adityabirlaworldacademy.com/blog/tips-and-advice-for-parents-before-getting-their-children-enrolled-in-an-international-school

How much do best international schools focus on extra and co-curricular activities? What are the activities included?


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