How to impart leadership skills in school children? Find the best IB schools in Mumbai.

At Aditya Birla World Academy (ABWA), best IB schools in Mumbai, we aim at overall development of the child. One of the most important skill that is inculcated in best IB schools in Mumbai is LEADERHSIP SKILLS. “Leaders are born, not made” if you think the same, then you are wrong. Every child in his or her life has the potential to be a leader. Leaders can be made by training the leadership skills in individuals. Life consists of challenges, conflicts, and difficult situations in these scenarios leadership skills come into play. Today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders, hence it is not important for students’ development, but it has an impact on the community, environment, and nation.
Why Is It Imperative to Cultivate Leadership Skills in Kids in Best IB schools in Mumbai ?
Leadership also is one of the skills that can make your child stand out from rest of the children. Apart from all the technical skills, learning something early in life helps you get better at it in the future.

  1. Today in world we need more leaders and entrepreneurs who can make way for better ways to lead our lives by shifting from the traditional methods. we need to sculpt our children and make them strong to be able to face competition and create an identity for themselves to have such leaders
  2. The core of leadership is confidence and the ability to believe in yourself. To be able to move ahead in life, your child needs to believe in his own abilities and have the confidence to try out new activities. Leadership skills help him with that.

Here are different ways to Inculcate Leadership Skills in Children in best IB school in Mumbai there are some pointers you can keep in mind in your everyday life. In order to know how to teach your children leadership skills in Best IB school in Mumbai

Set an example
It is said ‘Charity begins at home’. The child should look up to you as a leader and we need to inspire them. This is the right direction and the greatest way to let your child inculcate the skill

Teach the child to deal with failure
Teach your child to handle failure gracefully, teach him to accept his mistakes and give it another shot by doing better. Also we should tell the children tell him to consider failure as a learning opportunity.

Encourage team building
One of the way to inculcate leadership is to identify your children’s interests and encourage their participation in group activities. Whether it’s joining the school band or some sports. Children learn some valuable lessons about teamwork through these activities

Build negotiation skills
Teach them the skill of negotiation like never giving up something without asking for something else in return. How to inculcate this skill? This can be done by making an offer and allow them to counter that offer by offering solid points instead of giving your children a firm “yes” or “no” to a request, every good leader knows the art of compromise.

Inculcate decision-making abilities
It is very important for children to learn how to take an informed choice early in life. Teach your children to weigh the pros and cons of each option whether it is an activity or purchasing a bag in order to make a decision. This will help them to make correct decisions in everyday life.

Practice confident communication
Communication plays a very important role in life, we must give the children opportunity tto communicate not just with known people but also other individuals. For eg: When you go to a restaurant, you can actually turn a simple dinner into a confidence-building exercise by having your children speak directly to servers. Allowing them to speak directly to servers will help them gain confidence in themselves and be able to communicate what they need.

Teaching project planning skills.
While enjoying this family moment, you likely have many planned events, from family vacations to visiting relatives. When you prepare for a vacation or visiting a relative, don’t leave children out of the planning process.

Get Him a Mentor
If in a particular field, your child shows interest find out for an expert in that area and ask them if they could guide your child. This would be great help in creating a future leader. Your child will be able to guide others too in future if you nurture his talent in childhood.
Encourage reading.
Research shows reading in childhood for fun with children have greater intellectual progress in a no of subjects. Young readers tend to learn more about the world even though the reading is frivolous by nature.

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