Students with special education needs. Find the school in Mumbai that supports special education needs.

A school is a place of inclusive learning; as a well reputed IB school in Mumbai, ABWA is committed to the integration of special needs children within the general education classrooms, and the provision of necessary support to overcome any barriers to learning.

At the outset, accommodations are provided to students with learning disabilities to give them equal access to the learning environment. In the classroom, it would mean allowing preferential seating, near point copying, providing instruction in smaller, meaningful chunks, use of a calculator and in – class support by the special educator. During assessments, these may include provision of a larger font, permitting part verbal - part written responses, allowing supervised rest breaks, prompts to ensure on – task behaviour, extending the allotted time for a test, administering the assessment in small group settings or in a separate room. For students with a visual or hearing impairment, accommodations are provided that are specific to their needs such as practical assistance in the science laboratory, colour naming, modified papers, live speakers, videos with subtitles etc. As a department in one of the best Cambridge schools in Mumbai, the SEN team is further committed to maintain the integrity of access arrangements.

Individualised accommodations are provided to level the playing field for students with disabilities; and not to give them any advantage over other students nor compromise on the academic rigour. Hence, the teachers are advised that all assignments and tests need to be graded the same way as those completed without accommodations. Monitoring the effectiveness of accommodations is an on-going process; the SEN team collects teacher feedback on a regular basis and also conducts student interviews to check the usage and effectiveness of the accommodations.

The 21st century learner will need to be a reader, critical thinker and problem solver. Hence, alongside accommodations, ABWA’s SEN team also provides remedial intervention to refine the core literacy, math, and reasoning skills. This intervention program, primarily designed to bridge the gaps in learning, is provided for students in primary and middle school years. The core component of the remedial program is skill based instruction in a small group setting. Remedial intervention tends to be helpful to students with different learning needs; nevertheless, there is a small population that still needs to be referred for additional, external remedial therapy or allied therapies like occupational therapy and speech therapy. In such instances, our special educators liaise with the external therapists on a regular basis to assist transfer of skills to the classroom setting.

As educators we are aware that all classes will have a mix of students with different abilities and strengths; therefore, we also offer extension tasks to students with advanced abilities. For instance, in one of our primary classes, the students were assigned a case study. They were given a map of a town called Boulderville. They were also provided reading material on Wind Energy used in Greensuburg, Solar Energy in Ranchtown, Florida and Water Energy in Aspen, Colorado. On the basis of these readings, the students had to devise an Energy plan for Boulderville. In yet another thematic unit on Pull & Push Forces, the students were asked to make different types of paper planes such as the Sea Glider, Stable, Basic, Hunting Flight and calculate the distance the planes travelled based on forces applied to them. This unique extension program, offered at ABWA, from kindergarten to Grade 7, has further lent to its being recognised as a school that believes, ‘every child matters’.

At ABWA, we also encourage our stakeholders to have a voice in the child’s academic well- being. Dialogue and transparency is the cornerstone of our inclusive philosophy. For example, if the special educator is going to implement a reading plan for a student, the parents of the child are updated about the same and provided with on-going opportunities to ask questions. We recognise that a parent is their child’s lifelong teacher; and their contribution to enhance the cognitive capabilities of their child is invaluable. On the other hand, parents of children with learning disabilities also need special support while imparting literacy skills to their children; a delicate balance of home instruction needs to be maintained since we do not want to stress the children to the point that they are averse to reading. To support our parents, we organise workshops to equip them with skills to strengthen their children’s literacy skills, enhance comprehension and improve their information processing abilities.

Likewise, we believe our teachers, as stakeholders, bring a unique perspective to our SEN team. Their feedback and observations are vital to the SEN decision making process and regular communication with the teaching community brings several issues to light and effects smooth resolution of academic concerns that , ultimately, affect the self -esteem and emotional well -being of the dyslexic child.

Professional development conferences are a key to SEN creativity and dynamism; and as a leading Cambridge school in Mumbai, we like to make sure that we are up to speed with the latest international research, remedial strategies and evaluation techniques. Our philosophy is simple: we have to enhance our growth curve continually by always having at our disposal additional tools to effectively serve our students.
No child is defined by their learning disability nor is it an insurmountable problem. On the contrary, facing and overcoming challenges will help children grow into resilient and empathetic adults. At ABWA, our inclusive philosophy is focussed on the larger aspect of our children’s gifts and talents. Our SEN team urges children to nurture and hone the extra -curricular activities where they excel. Our goal is to create an environment where we can provide opportunities for our children to become leaders and thinkers. Above all, we aspire that all our children are provided an educational set up where they are happy and self- confident learners.

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