Thematic learning program of ABWA. How are international schools beneficial for the holistic learning of students?

“There is no paradox in the fact that that the principle of continuity of experience may operate to leave a person arrested on a low plane of development, in a way, which limits later capacity for growth.

On the other hand, if an experience arouses curiosity, strengthens initiative, and sets up desires and purposes that are sufficiently intense to carry a person over dead places in the future continuity works in a very different way.

Every experience is a moving force “

John Dewey ~ Education & Experience

Children learn best when they are in a place that they are familiar with and one that they feel secure in. As an educator when I developed the Thematic Program at ABWA I was certain that it had to be an extension of the child’s natural environment.

The first lesson I learned as a teacher is that each child learns in different styles, and at different rates. Our focus, as a school, was the development of the whole child; most importantly, a happy child.

The Thematic learning program at the Junior School is learner-driven and aims at developing a wide range of skills in our learners, namely - Thinking, Social and Self-Management, Communication, and Research; each of which forms an integral part of our curriculum. Our program facilitates integrated studies across different subject strands such as English, Maths, Science, Social Studies, Humanities, Arts, Culture, etc. Vertical and Horizontal integrations help us to maintain a balance between our curricular and co-curricular programs with seamless collaborations across and between subjects, ideas, and facilitators. This helps our children learn and acquire a deeper understanding of concepts through personal inquiries and experiences.

Teaching and learning at ABWA extend beyond the classroom. We guide our learners to explore, make discoveries, draw connections, transfer their understanding of concepts learned at school and apply it in the real world. We help our children move from the unknown to the known by seeking patterns.

Peer, National, and Global Interactions have helped bring the world closer and have increased the learner’s awareness of the goings-on around the world. The children learn to think critically and respect different points of view. They begin learning to celebrate differences and are accepting of cultures, values, and traditions across the globe, and can appreciate the unity in diversity

Our emphasis is on deeper understanding and the development of skills; not merely on the acquisition of knowledge. Our learners engage in a variety of research-based activities, case studies, situational studies, global studies, etc. This helps make thinking visible and is infused into the very fabric of our curriculum. The learners freely exhibit and enjoy a spirit of inquiry and endeavour to understand the importance of international mindedness.

We embrace qualities like gratitude, compassion, respect, integrity, tolerance, perseverance, and humility while encouraging independent thinking, responsibility, introspection, and self-control. The evidence of which is found in our children, both within and outside their learning environment. The atmosphere that surrounds our learning is relevant and challenging, with an eye on the emotional well-being of our children at school.

We encourage our children to build meaningful relationships while helping them to communicate effectively and sensitively with the world around them. Our curriculum is flexible and encourages active engagements which focus on Social & Emotional Learning. Our children at ABWA learn by doing.

Our learners become self-aware and are encouraged to recognize, understand and express their emotions, strengths, and limitations. They learn to problem-solve and make responsible decisions. They begin to think logically, introspect and become socially aware. They learn to manage themselves and consider other people’s feelings and perspectives, as well.

We nurture and equip our children with tools to become self-regulated learners who are invested in the process of their learning, their lives, and their passions. In time the children learn to set goals, question, collaborate, investigate their learning, take calculated risks, and become open to change. They self-assess, reflect, and explore a variety of learning processes, and make changes, course correct or even start over, when necessary.

The Thematic program builds resilience and helps the children challenge themselves at varying intervals through the course of the program; that spans over the seven years that the child is with us at the Junior School.

At ABWA we acknowledge the growth of learners through the ATTRIBUTE BADGE which rewards independent attitudes and behaviours that we see our children display in their treatment of others within and outside their learning environment. The CLASS ATTRIBUTE STAR is awarded for an independent action displayed or an initiative taken by a child to support his/ her inquiry during an ongoing subject study. STAR OF THE MONTH is awarded to encourage children who independently maintain class norms on the virtual platform.

In conclusion, our Thematic learning program at Aditya Birla World Academy is child-centric and is a shift from the traditional teacher-led classrooms. Our progressive teaching methods allow our children to partner with us in their learning and enjoy a sense of ownership.

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