Tips on how to improve speaking skills in kids. Find the best schools in Mumbai to look for.

'Tips on how to improve English speaking skills in kids'.

The best way to speak fluently lies through the path of listening empathetically! Ask any man worth his salt and you will be flooded with tips like- ‘expand your vocabulary to improve your pronunciation’, ‘have confidence’, ‘speak and it will be OK’. I feel they are all important but if we do not have proper listening skills and if we fail to listen with interest we will fail to make ourselves heard. I feel speaking effectively is more important in the modern context.

Language is a matrix of communication that stimulates humans to use speech. This is where speaking fluently becomes so important. So, having an uncluttered mind that is not bored (eminently like me) then one will not forget what he has to speak next- unlike me. So speaking fluently should be backed by the urge to like speaking and the urge to be liked. I have seen uncouth speakers sway public by sheer content not by fluency simply by the force of what they have to say. And if they say what they have to say in a clear audible voice, gentle manners and it is backed by a strong character then Greece will get swayed. In fact, that was how Demosthenes swayed Greece once.

“According to the 7-38-55 Rule, only 7% of your message is communicated through words. Your tone of voice contributes 38%, but your body language communicates 55% of your message.” “Thus ‘Mirroring’ which is an NLP technique that leverages body language to make instant connections and build rapport with anyone becomes important. When you’re talking to someone, mirror your body language to theirs. If they have high energy, match that energy level. If their body language is relaxed, reflect that. You can even change the words you choose to use to match their vocabulary. The other person will automatically find you more trustworthy – because you are just like them.”

It was not for nothing that Francis bacon had once mentioned- “Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; …therefore, … if he confer little, he had need have a present wit;…” I feel to be a fluent speaker you need to be a good reader, writer and have the gift of the gab - a little dash of wit amalgamated by an effective strategy to enhance cognitive ability because speaking fluently is a cognitive ability everyone may not be born with.

Speaking well in a language be it English or any other depends a lot on how much we think in that language. Are we capable of dreaming in that language, if not then, we need practice. Rehearsal is also a cognitive strategy that gives familiarity to the subject matter leading to memorization. Imagery training helps here and it is a strong NLP tool. Similarly, questioning strategy helps to develop critical thinking skills and stimulate independent learning. How to ask questions is the key to perceptive speaking.

Reading aloud is an effective strategy which gives a chance to focus on pronunciation and pacing. It creates cognitive development of the speakers and stimulates the brain to remember things easily. Speaking, reading and listening skills are improved by this strategy.

Learning strategies used by the teachers in the best schools of Mumbai help the students improve the language development and acquire proficiency in the use of oral language. Translation from the native language into English verbally and avoiding blocks that occur due to nervousness, lack of confidence, etc. are good ways to ensure fluency.

Learners must accept that being nervous is not a bad thing. Fear of speaking leads to imperfection. So, the learners do not try to be more perfect in the classroom. The learner must be well versed in the subject matter. The listeners are a more important factor in speaking. The speaker must engage the listeners.

Practice and hard work make the learners be successful speakers. Through these various activities, the learner avoids blocks while speaking due to nervousness and lack of confidence. “NLP swish” can be a big help here. It can help a person develop the confidence to speak fearlessly. The best schools in Mumbai are depending more and more on these techniques.

“’Modelling’ and ‘incaincantation’ can also be used to create confidence in the speaker to speak out fearlessly. It teaches one to focus and concentrate consistently to achieve excellence in speaking.”

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Sanjoy Bhattacharjee

Sanjoy Bhattacharjee

Head of Faculty-English


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