I have spent the better part of the last 25 years listening to the aspirations parents have for their children. While some of these hopes and dreams are unique, largely, a common thread seems to run through them all, “I just want my child to have a good quality education”. It is, more than likely, every parent’s top priority.

By the time high school comes around, the parents’ hopes and aspirations are often inextricably linked to those that the children have for themselves, making the decision of “Which high school should we choose?” a decisive one indeed. If you are looking at the Cambridge International A Level school in Mumbai as the preferred curriculum choice, it would be advisable to spare some thought as you make that decision.

Look for a school whose ethos and philosophy matches the sensibilities and the values you uphold. The purpose of any school is embedded in its vision. This purpose is born solely from its core values and it is that philosophy which dictates its purpose. The vision and the mission of a school are core elements which serve as a compass, setting the direction in which the school is headed. You can be sure that these values trickle down to the children, and if they align well with the values you aspire to have as a family, your decision will be a more fulfilling one.

Look for a school which stays true to nurturing the Cambridge Learner Attributes in its students. For this you should be able to see evidence of the measures the school employs to encourage its A Level students to become confident, responsible, innovative, engaged and reflective – equipped for success in this fast changing modern world. Here are some questions one can ask. Does the school provide a variety of platforms to its A Level students in order to build their confidence? How does the school measure responsibility in its A Level student body? Can you see examples of innovativeness exhibited by the A Level students? How about work done by A Level students that reflects their social engagement in the larger community? Does the school provide opportunities for its A Level students to step out into the outside world to hone essential life skills?

A peek into how the school implements the A Level curriculum would go a long way in facilitating decision making. One should look carefully at the subjects and importantly, the combination of subjects being offered by the school. The selection of subjects is critical. The selection needs to be in line with what your child wishes to pursue at the tertiary level. With its in-depth syllabi designed to prepare learners for university study, the Cambridge International A Level Programme is both rigorous and invigorating. Hence, the professional expertise of the faculty members dispensing this programme is vital. Here is where the school’s outlook on professional development comes into play. A good quality A Level school will lay a high premium on training its teachers. The ethos of excellence would extend to training, providing support and resources to assist teachers in delivering engaging and effective courses, and more importantly to grow as professionals.

It would serve well to see if the school takes the curriculum beyond the realm of pure academics. Check if the school offers the Cambridge International Project Qualification (IPQ). Cambridge IPQ is an exciting project-based qualification. Students have the opportunity to develop skills by carrying out research in a topic of their choice. Taking Cambridge IPQ allows learners to demonstrate engagement with their chosen topic beyond preparation for an exam, helping them to stand out from the crowd with university and job applications. Academic evidence suggests that this sort of deeper engagement will help develop their ability to be life-long learners.

A dedicated Career/College Guidance Counselling Facility is another significant facet of education at the high school level. The College Counselling Department of a first rate A Level school should be one of its strongest. Great interpersonal skills should be the cornerstone of this department which serves as a channel through which a student seeks guidance and support, especially when it comes to dealing with academic and college/university application pressures. You could speak to other parents of the school and learn a few things from their experience with this section of the school. It would be comforting to hear statements like, “The College Counsellor takes out time to know each student individually and takes every student equally in terms of talent and uniqueness”.

To conclude, the best A Level school in Mumbai that you choose to send your child to, should be a safe, student centric place of good quality learning. The emphasis being on ‘learning’ in its truest and purest form. As William James once said, “Your hopes, aspirations and dreams are legitimate. They are trying to take you airborne, above the clouds, through the storms, if only you let them”.

You can visit the IBDP school in Mumbai at the below address:
Vastu Shilp Annexe, Gamadia colony, J D Road, Tardeo Mumbai -400007

022 2352 8400

Admission Helpline
022 2352 8400

Also read, https://www.adityabirlaworldacademy.com/blog/how-is-the-international-school-curriculum-different


Franak Bandekar

Franak Bandekar

Secondary School & A Level Head


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