How to Build Confidence in Children


A child is just like wet clay after they are born; they will take the shape that you give them. Children who possess more self-confidence perform optimally in a wide range of academic as well as extracurricular activities. Confidence is the key when it comes to living a fulfilling life as well as achieving great things. Children who are short on confidence will not be willing to try their hands at new things and may fall behind their confident friends in academics and competitions. Mentioned below are a few ways that you may use to provide encouragement to your children to make them feel more confident about themselves. Aditya Birla World Academy, which is a prominent international school in Mumbai , does its best to nurture confidence among its students.

According to child psychologists, confidence is the best gift that parents can give to their children. Moreover, it is essential to inculcate small healthy habits since childhood so that their confidence is boosted, ensuring that they grow up to be confident individuals.

Let’s discuss a few important ways -

  • (1) Appreciate Their Efforts

You must always recognise the efforts made by children when they attempt to do something new, even if they fail at first. This will ensure that the child overcomes the fear of doing new things later. Your compliments will enhance their confidence and motivate them to be eager to engage in new tasks. Shower praise on them for the minutest accomplishments, such as reciting a poem, receiving high grades, or creating a tidy origami boat. Children who receive sufficient praise grow up to be confident human beings with high self-esteem. The best international school in Mumbai always focuses on showering praises on the efforts made by its students.

  • (2) Do Not Compare

Each individual on this planet has some unique talents as well as limitations. Hence, never make the mistake of comparing a child with their friends or siblings. Upon comparison, the self-esteem of children takes a beating, paving the way for the development of an inferiority complex over the course of time. Creating a sense of healthy competition in children is good; however, coaxing them to be always better than others can eventually be counterproductive. Children may develop issues such as anger, stress , and anxiety, which can hamper both mental and physical health.

  • (3) Set an Example

Parents serve as the ideal role models for their children because the family serves as a first classroom, and they frequently pick up habits from their parents. Young children often try to mimic their parents. For example, if parents make their beds each morning, their children may want to adopt the same practice. Moreover, fostering positive behaviour boosts their confidence levels. Because children learn from parents and teachers, one needs to be conscious of one’s habits and behaviour. This is precisely what the best international school in Mumbai focuses on.

  • (4) Assign Easy Responsibilities

Assign your children minor tasks such as arranging the toys after playtime is over, making beds, solving a puzzle, and eating without any help, among others. As a result, they grow to be more autonomous as well as responsible individuals. Completing minor tasks too helps build their self-esteem and confidence. Some parents often forbid their children from engaging in certain tasks because of the fear that they might create a mess or add to their eventual workload. That said, if you keep everything ready for them, they will fail to learn the value of working hard, resulting in them being less confident and more dependent. The best school in Mumbai, Aditya Birla Word Academy, has a set of minor tasks for its students so that their confidence levels reach sky-high.

  • (5) Allow Them to Decide

Nowadays, children as young as five or six years of age love to wear the clothing of their choice; however, parents pay no heed to their words and impose their own choices on the children, thus lowering their self-confidence. If you fail to agree with your child’s decisions, then instead of having your way, let them learn through experiences , following which you can make them understand in a kind, rational way.

The Bottomline

Children develop their self-confidence both at home as well as from their school. Some of the best international schools in Mumbai ensure that their students have immense confidence in themselves by appreciating their efforts, never comparing, setting an example, assigning easy responsibilities , and finally allowing them to decide.

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