How do International Schools help To Become a Lifelong Learner?

If there is a single phrase that is almost universal when it comes to teacher-prep programs, it is most probably “lifelong learner.”

Alvin Toffler (a futurist) is known for his famous quote: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who can’t read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”

Several stalwart educators have said several wonderful things about the indispensability of lifelong learning skills. For instance, John Dewey said it best when he opined that “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.”

Aditya Birla World Academy, arguably the best international school in Mumbai , wants its students to excel both in and out of the classroom. The idea is to ensure that once the students have left the school, they no longer need the teachers. Students must become teachers as well as leaders. The point to note is that they never cease to be learners.

This is what it means to be a lifelong learner, from none other than the best international school in Mumbai.

Mentioned below are some of the ways through which international schools eventually prepare a lifelong learner.

(1) Encouraging Learning Ownership

Everyone is responsible for his or her own learning. Away from the school, students are expected to learn by themselves. International schools give them this freedom from an early age, which will serve them best in the future. Once students own their learning, it abides with them.

Schools also shower rewards on the students for undertaking such a responsibility. The result is that students develop higher self-esteem, take pride in achievement, and achieve the independence that they need. What’s more, it substantially adds to their ability to help others.

(2) Turning Mistakes into Opportunities

The priceless practice of learning from mistakes is, by far, the best lifelong learning skill that any student can master. There is so much that students can learn through mistakes. This reminds them that they are human and boosts their confidence that they have tried and attempted. Thus, the student learns more optimum ways to think and work, besides providing crucial insights into hidden knowledge and awareness.

Students can be both resilient and fragile, at the same time. Aditya Birla World Academy, which is the best international school in Mumbai, always considers mistakes as opportunities but never as a crime.

(3) Making Use of Go-To Learning Tools

All students have some strategy or trick to help them in learning successfully. For some, it is mental repetition whereas for others it may be mnemonics. International schools undertake dozens of tasks to help their students learn better.

Some students are avid readers and news buffs, whereas others may enjoy participating in debates and discussions to share ideas and knowledge. Because each student has a unique talent, international schools offer them the opportunities to excel in the activity of their choice. Moreover, these schools offer the students a thirst for absorbing and learning, which is truly stupendous.

(4) Allowing Students to Take the Teacher’s Reins

According to Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience, learning retention is achieved when we teach or offer our knowledge to someone else.

International schools recognize the mentors in a class. Moreover, they take note of those students who assist and guide their peers. Such students can impart priceless lessons of knowledge-sharing and learning ownership to others. These students eventually become a source of inspiration for others.

(5) Devoting Time to Play

Aditya Birla World Academy, being the most trusted international school in Mumbai, gives unrivalled importance to ‘play.’ By participating in sports , students learn much more about themselves as well as others.

It is vital that learning must be fun as well as enjoyable. Otherwise, the student will resist it. They will eventually associate it with unpleasant emotional and intellectual feelings instead of the thrills of discovery and personal growth. To prepare for a lifelong career, international schools ensure that their students never view learning as a cumbersome chore, but as a bold adventure that it is meant to be.

The Bottom Line

Lifelong learning skills are a gift to students from international schools, which ensure that each student learns and evolves. Aditya Birla World Academy, which is undoubtedly the best international school in Mumbai, accomplishes this by making sure that the student truly ‘wants’ to learn and evolve. This is the best gift for students when schools release them into the waiting world.

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