How can classroom learning be made fun by including drama and practical knowledge?

Enhancing the learning experience for students has always been a priority for teachers at the Aditya Birla World Academy . Reduced attention spans, excessive dependence on technology and easy access to online videos are some of the factors contributing to a growing need for making classroom learning more fun and interactive so as to sustain the attention of the students. Innovation in teaching with the help of new age tools and resources is the need of the hour.

Drama is one such tool that taps into a student's emotional, physical, and intellectual faculties all at once, making it a very effective learning mechanism. In addition, it also enhances the speaking and listening capabilities of the students. One may assume that Drama can only be used to depict stories in a Hindi or English class, however, this is largely untrue. The use of dramatics in learning does not necessarily mean performing elaborate plays with multiple characters. It could be something as simple as a classroom debate, or even students simply expressing their opinions through poetry, music or art. Brains can learn and acquire information better when physically active, hence, the use of drama and movement would improve information absorption and assimilation in students.

Let's understand how one can use Drama in other subjects as well. When learning about the freedom movement in Indian History, students can be asked to represent different factions of the country, expressing their varied demands during the movement. Such an enactment would not only make students feel for the subject more passionately, but also improve their knowledge on the matter since it is always easier to remember something that they have watched rather than read. Students could also be shown movies and documentaries on some of the prolific freedom fighters. By putting a face to a character, students would better understand where they came from and the struggles that they had to endure.

In subjects such as Geography and Science, students can be allotted different topics. Their act could involve them breathing life into those topics. They can talk about their advantages and disadvantages to humans, the threats that they are facing, etc. For example, when learning about Rainforests, students can be divided into groups, where each group represents one major rainforest. Groups can talk about their ecological benefits to mankind as well as discuss the problems that mankind will face without their existence. They can share images of the flora and fauna that can be found in them. They can also share some interesting documentaries made on them. This is the best way to pique the interest of students in a particular subject. Similar projects can be made when learning about different countries, planets, other life forms, crops, world currencies, etc.

Introduction of practical knowledge in the classrooms is a great learning tool as well. When students are made aware of the practical applications of a particular subject in real life, it increases their desire to learn. Subjects that may otherwise seem dull and uninteresting, are oftentimes made more likeable when students understand the practical implications of the subject.

This form of teaching can be used especially in subjects such as Mathematics and the Sciences. For example, when learning about Averages in Maths, students can be asked to create charts that represent the average class height, or average math grades. In this manner, students will understand how the concept of Averages can be used by governments and countries on a large scale to chart out population statistics. Similarly, knowledge of physics is very essential in understanding certain basic phenomena around us such as speed-time, gravity, light, sound. When students start relating to such topics, then their understanding increases manyfold.

Teachers can also create simple games for topics to increase the attention and interest of students. A spelling bee competition for languages, a vocabulary contest for subjects like geography and science, a mental math contest or even group competitions are some great tools for improved learning.

With the advent of a new age of education, teachers have to keep reinventing themselves and their methods of teaching. Using tools such as Drama and practical knowledge, they can make learning more fun and enjoyable. Moving with the times and persistent innovation has been a key focus of the teaching staff at the Aditya Birla World Academy. With this, they aim to boost the morale of the students towards better and improved learning.

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Anshruta Poddar

Anshruta Poddar


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