How to incorporate social media effectively for the child's learning

The advent of social media has always been the epicenter of debates. Some feel that its benefits far outweigh its disadvantages. However, others believe that life prior to social media was a kinder and better world for humankind. Although this is an ongoing debate, the one thing that cannot be contended is that social media is here to stay and that one must learn to live with it harmoniously.

With the level of impact that social media has on the younger generation, one can only assume the good that can come out of using social media effectively for the child’s learning. Social media is a hub of ideas, a spray of creativity, and an insight into inspiring stories, and is also a great way to stay connected. Aditya Birla World Academy, one of the best international schools in Mumbai suggests that if channelized correctly, social media can be used as a very powerful tool in a child’s development.

Following are some aspects of a child’s learning in which social media can be used effectively -

1. Ideation:

Social media displays a plethora of information and ideas. When a child is exposed to the correct social media platforms, the child can pick up on good ideas and creativity. Just as reading a book expands the knowledge horizon of children, similarly, browsing through social media content can positively expand one’s awareness and reasoning ability. There has already been a paradigm shift in the speed at which new ideas and thoughts are being generated and spread. Teachers can identify inspirational bloggers and informative Instagram accounts, and share this information with their students to help them gain access to the correct type of content.

2. Networking:

Social media is a great way to stay connected to people around the globe. In the world of academia, students can connect with fellow students from different cities and even countries through platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. Sharing notes, and having discussions on class topics with students from other parts of the world can be a very enriching experience. This is a great way for students to develop an understanding of cultures across the world, and to imbibe the positives from them.

3. Spreading Awareness:

Social media is one of the quickest and simplest mediums for spreading valuable information. With the help of platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, small businesses and start-ups are gaining traction with the youth and specifically with their target audience. Social media has actually encouraged many individuals to start entrepreneurial ventures. They may not have otherwise been able to get their product/service across to such a wide group of people through traditional forms of marketing.

4. Learning and Tutorials:

Platforms such as Youtube, are a great source of education and learning . Learning through social media is not limited to studying traditional school subjects. One can learn new skills, arts and crafts, a musical instrument, a new language, cooking, and much more. There are a wide variety of tutorials available to help one out with absolutely anything that one may be struggling with. Teachers can identify good videos and channels on Youtube and subsequently share these links with their students. Students would also be keener to learn in this manner as they would enjoy the incorporation of technology and social media in their classroom learning.

5. Content Creation:

Content creation is an umbrella term that includes the creation of written, audio, graphic as well as video content. Social media is all about creating content that is interesting and appealing, yet unique. Therefore, using social media encourages students to think out of the box and put on their creative hats to churn out the best material possible. Social media improves their writing skills, their ability to make short videos and films, captioning images, etc. These skill sets have become a must for all students of this generation so that they can keep up with the times.

At Aditya Birla World Academy, teachers encourage students to use social media effectively , in a way that benefits them educationally as well as socially. Social media helps students to understand what entrepreneurs across the globe are doing, what is considered politically correct/incorrect in the current scenario, what is happening in different parts of the world, etc. Such knowledge is integral for the mental development of the child and it allows the child to be worldly wise. To sum up, social media is something that can be used to greatly benefit students, but if poorly used, it can also land them in trouble. Thus, how to effectively use social media is a must-learn for all parents and teachers alike.

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Anshruta Poddar

Anshruta Poddar


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