Is IBDP worth it in India and what are the advantages of studying in IBDP?


That is a question that many parents and students ponder over when asked to make a choice for their high school programme in India. ‘International curriculum’ is the buzz phrase today, especially in South Mumbai IB schools. So let us see if the IBDP is worth pursuing in schools in Mumbai and in India.

Perhaps the best way to approach this question would be to clarify a few differences between the national and international boards, with particular reference to the IBDP curriculum in schools in Mumbai.

“True teachers are those who help us think for ourselves”- Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

One major difference would be the approach to learning in ICSE, CBSE, SSC: the traditional method of teaching and learning is rote-based, often in teacher-fronted classrooms. Another difference is the ‘exam-driven’ curriculum. While this may have its advantages, it does not motivate the student to develop a deeper knowledge of the topic.

The IBDP is primarily steered by the principle of application of knowledge where students are encouraged to explore a topic through inquiry and discovery, facilitated by the teachers. Furthermore, to accommodate different learning styles, the assessments include oral, written, and project-based assignments. Hence the course becomes particularly enriching for every student.

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Indeed, the words of the venerated Dr. Radhakrishnan ring loud and clear as this is exactly what the IBDP curriculum tries to achieve: to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world. Children today will no longer accept the 19th-century societal norms where they were expected to be seen and not heard. Students have an undeniable right to express their views, question what they learn, discuss in open forums with their peers and teachers to analyze and understand the concepts fully. For isn’t it true that education is all about changing mirrors into windows?

What makes the IBDP curriculum appealing? The school should be the nucleus for learning, creative thought, activities, and more. The IBDP requires students to complete six subjects, three at Higher Level and three at Standard Level. Additionally, there are three core subjects, Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay, and CAS (Creativity, Activity, and Service), all of which are integral to the diploma. The aim of the IB is to foster integrity, compassion, and open-mindedness along with critical thinking skills that will help them create a happier and more peaceful world. IB schools in Mumbai offer a range of subjects in humanities, languages, sciences, social sciences, and creative arts. “Why so many?” you may ask. Well, what is the purpose of education? Isn’t it to cultivate and nurture an awareness and interest in an array of disciplines and help find meaning in life? Accordingly, to fulfill the purpose of education and develop intelligence as well as character, the subject arena has many options to choose from; from the classical to the modern.

It is for this reason that the IB schools in Mumbai have grown in size and popularity and many of the best IB schools are situated in South Mumbai creating such an environment for healthy learning.

Is it worth studying in the IBDP in India?

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I remember.” -Confucius

Many would say that those who did not have access to an international curriculum have been successful in their pursuits, despite its unavailability, so why deliberate over this issue? But, ask anyone who has experienced the IBDP in India today, and they will always have favourable reviews. It develops confidence and self-esteem as you are constantly encouraged to question, research, and discuss issues with peers and teachers. Furthermore, the journey is not only challenging but exciting as it does not rely on examinations alone. There are stimulating options for fieldwork, creating and designing experiments, surveys, and reporting the final analysis, whether in the six subjects or in the core subjects. This is indeed the perfect stepping stone to venture into higher education at universities either in India or abroad. The student has an open mind to learning and is willing to take risks.

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”- Aristotle

IBDP schools in Mumbai provide opportunities for creativity, social work, and interaction with various sectors of the community thereby fulfilling the tenets of the programme.

Aditya Birla World Academy, one of the best IBDP schools in South Mumbai has been the recipient of several awards for its outstanding facilities, performance, and ambiance. Our holistic approach to education concentrates on compassion, empathy, and ensures the well-being of every student, following Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of education being an “all-round drawing of the best in child and man in body, mind, and spirit”.

The choice is clear!

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Gita Balsekar

English Teacher - International Curriculum


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