Power of Meditation for Students – Be the Achiever

Meditation is essentially a spiritual practice that helps in achieving a state of peace. It is not merely used by spiritual seekers but also by everyone else for its wide range of benefits. Working with the mind by using the techniques of meditation successfully leads to an overall and improved sense of calm, presence, attentiveness, and an increase in highly valued human qualities such as patience and empathy.

Besides grownups and elderly individuals, students, too, can harness the power of meditation and ensure that the process of learning is stress-free. Initially, it may seem a tad boring for some students; however, with regular practice, the potential advantages will be much more visible. Students must be willing to devote some time to the practice of meditation to reap its immense benefits. Meditation is highly popular among students studying in an international school in Mumbai .

Why Students Should Tap into the Power of Meditation?

With varied conversations on mental health and well-being taking place all over the world, it is vital to introduce the practice of morning meditation to students. Meditation helps in reversing age-related memory loss, and it helps students to comprehend and absorb info at a quicker pace by relaxing the brain and eventually de-stressing it. Moreover, meditation improves happiness levels, concentration, self-awareness, and relaxation, thus improving sleep and enhancing overall emotional well-being. That said, the greatest aspect of meditation is that it has no side effects, and any student from age 1 to 19 can eventually reap the dividends by investing their time in meditation. Aditya Birla World Academy or ABWA, which is the best international school in Mumbai , gives unrivalled importance to the practice of meditation for its students.

Morning meditation enhances creativity and innovation, while simultaneously making students more empathetic and open to the people as well as the world around them. It further encourages students to have a peaceful mental state, energises their bodies, and helps them tackle negative emotions such as fear, anger, and depression. Thus, students need to tap into the power of meditation.

Benefits of Meditation for Students

  1. 1. Meditation for students Increases Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

One of the most important benefits of meditation for students is an increase in IQ levels. A random experiment that was conducted to test IQ levels in students found that transcendental meditation surely has a positive effect in raising the IQ levels of students. When practiced regularly, meditation improves intelligence and creativity in students, besides reducing anxiety. It is crucial to note that the positive results were in the fields of cognitive behaviour, creative thinking, and grasping new concepts.

  1. 2. Improves Focus

A calm mind, which can be attained through the practice of meditation, has been demonstrated to have a whopping 50% reduction in anxiety and stress levels as well as ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) symptoms. This helps in achieving an improved ability to focus optimally on tasks at hand, through enhanced brain processing as well as improved language-based skills.

  1. 3. Power of meditation in reducing Anxiety and Depression

Two studies found that transcendental meditation markedly reduces the symptoms of depression. Both anxiety and depression tend to cause a disruption in the learning process as the examination date nears ; hence, with regular practice, this aspect can be taken care of.

  1. 4. Enhances Brian Efficiency

The importance of meditation for students cannot be overstated because of its umpteen benefits, from making the brain sharper and a more harmonious unit. University students who took up the practice of meditation were found to have developed changes in the brain fibres related to regulating both behaviour and emotions. These changes, too, lead to enhanced intellectual and cognitive performance.

  1. 5. Helps Develop a Cheerful Personality

A need to underline the importance of meditation for students exists because immense positive changes can be seen in those who meditate. Such students will be more cheerful, lively, and confident. Moreover, they successfully develop the ability to tackle stress and maintain a sense of calm during pressurised situations.

  1. 6. Lengthens the Attention Span

A study conducted to gauge the effects of regular mindfulness meditation showed that students can successfully focus on a task for a longer period, with additional abilities to reorient and maintain attention. Hence, meditation is part of the curriculum of ABWA the international school in Mumbai.

  1. 7. Combats Addiction

Meditation for studying is essential because it helps students in redirecting their attention, increase their willpower, control their emotions as well as impulses, and increase their understanding of the causes behind addictive behaviours among students, the most common being food cravings.

  1. 8. Ensures Mental Clarity

One of the benefits of regular practice of meditation is it helps in attaining mental clarity , which eventually helps in answering examination questions in a highly structured way rather than jumbling the content. Hence, students need meditation for studying.

The Bottomline

Aditya Birla World Academy or ABWA, the best international school in Mumbai, emphasises the need for students to meditate because it relaxes the mind, ensures optimum learning, offers them a good night’s sleep, gets rid of tiredness and fatigue, enhances self-esteem, and improves emotional competence, thereby leading to happier students.





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