Seven reasons why developing organizational skills in children is important. How are international schools in Mumbai factoring this in the curriculum?

The organization focuses not only on tracking things but also on planning your time efficiently and knowing the flow of tasks. Organization starts at home, at school, and goes beyond. Here are some reasons why one of the Best International Schools in Mumbai focuses on developing the habit of organizing in their children.

  1. Efficiently managing workload.

Meeting assignment deadlines, completing homework, preparing for a test, collaborating on group projects, and making sure to ace in their extra-curricular activities – children quite often have a lot going on at once, and what better way to navigate them in managing their workload efficiently than through following good organizational habits. Looking at everything at once may seem overwhelming but breaking down the tasks and setting an agenda proves to be a better way to help tick off things on your list. For instance, students need to be able to visually organize all the steps they need to complete in a chemistry lab. The key is prioritizing and creating a check list of items that need to be completed. Order and time allotment follow side by side.

  1. Reduce clutter & stress.

Clutter is much harder to clean up than to build up. Stopping it at the start would ensure it never happens. The more the clutter, the harder the clean-up process and the bigger the stress. So, to avoid all of that, focus on a clutter-free environment for children. Ensuring there is a specific space for everything a child may use – whether it is their books, gadgets, toys, or box of crayons – everything must go in its assigned place. This would help find things easily and reduce any reason for additional stress that may be generated due to clutter. Previous studies have shown that one of the ways to eliminate stress is to stick to a healthy schedule that involves organizing your day so your mind is not cluttered and you know what must be done when. Making time schedules similar to class schedules that children follow in school would help them be more organized and less stressed. Even a practice as simple as indexing and dating the classwork helps children find notes quickly is an example of an effective organizational practice. At many of the best Cambridge and IB schools, students are given the schedules and timelines for submissions at the start of the academic year and term. This helps them plan and organise their work accordingly. The best International schools have factored this into the curriculum.

  1. Eliminate idle time.

One thing that most children and even adults struggle with is procrastination. Surprisingly enough if you time and organize your schedule effectively, you will spend less time procrastinating or even better – have a specifically allotted amount of ‘reasonable’ idle time. This would be beyond your time saved for daily tasks and it will make you feel less guilty about spending it in vain. The key here is to make sure you adhere to your schedule which would come only with sincere practice. That is why introducing organizing habits in children from the beginning is essential.

  1. Enables multi-tasking with flexibility.

Multi-tasking involves smartly juggling more than one task at a time but can be tricky to do for most of us. It involves self-conscious communication and understanding of what can be done while something else is still in the completion process. For example, a student must submit a draft essay to be approved before completing the final copy. While awaiting approval for the draft, it would be an efficient use of time to complete some other task. In the best International schools, the time lines and schedules are adequately packed for students to develop these important multi-tasking skills.

  1. Start good habits early.

A child’s home and school being pivotal in their foundation, it is important for us to cultivate as many good habits as possible for them to pick up at a very early age. It is better to develop organizational skills as a habit than to think of it as another push of suggestion or something that just needs to be done. Children can be rebellious when asked to do something and you don’t want to be pushy. Practicing similar organizational skills for day-to-day activities at home as well would be beneficial. It would be more of a habit than a chore.

  1. Achieve goals and targets.

Effective planning and organization help achieve goals. This is because things are planned and time has respectively been given to your tasks. Organizational skills enable you to look at the bigger picture and think ahead. Research shows that students who follow an organized schedule are more likely to get all their tasks completed on time than those who do not. It is important to also remember the satisfying feeling you get when all the things you had planned are completed – no stress to carry forward, right? In the best IB schools in Mumbai, planning and time management are essential components in assignments and projects. Students have to submit plans for the essays, assignments, and projects before they embark on the task.

  1. Preparation towards future.

Organizational habits once caught on to, are bound to carry onward to the child’s success and be useful for them at their place of work as well. Aditya Birla World Academy (ABWA) recognizes the importance of inculcating organizational habits in their children to guarantee not only their overall development but also prepare for their future as well.

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