What are the Essential Students Social Skills We Should Imbibe in Our Children?

Mastering social skills are extremely vital when it comes to living a successful life. Success is not always synonymous with monetary success. It means to be an excellent friend, child, and human being. To live a successful life, some principles need to be followed. It is highly recommended that learning these social skills commences from the elementary phase of your childhood.

Learning social skills will enable your child to become kinder, more friendly, and more humble. Some of the best IB schools in Mumbai make it a point to imbibe these skills in your child. Therefore, as a parent, it is your responsibility to teach your child certain basic social skills and provide help in practicing them in their daily lives.

Mentioned below are the essential skills we should imbibe in our children:

  1. (1) Listening

The best IB schools in Mumbai make it a point to inculcate this foremost skill in their students. The ability to listen and comprehend someone is the most crucial skill that your child must have. Listening is a vital component when it comes to healthy communication. This social skill is needed to build relations and to make new friends. Therefore, when your child is going to be exposed to other children in school, it is essential that this skill is mastered early on. In addition, most of the learning in school depends on the ability of your child to listen to precisely what the teacher is teaching. Based on this skill, they will take notes, develop concepts about a subject, and progress in their academics.

  1. (2) Following Directions

Following directions is another essential factor in the growth years of children. By following instructions and obeying rules, they can learn profoundly in their schools. Moreover, if the child shows talent towards a particular sport , then following the directions of the captain or coach is the foremost condition.

  1. (3) Sharing and Cooperating

A specific problem that a single child often goes through is sharing and cooperating with peers. That said, sharing is an excellent gesture, and this needs to be taught to your child so that their self-esteem is boosted , and they eventually become good human beings. Moreover, their cooperating skills will be tested when they get involved in any group activity or group assignment at some of the best IB schools in Mumbai.

  1. (4) Nonverbal Communication Skills

Possessing the ability to understand nonverbal communication such as deep sighs, eye rolls, or body shifts is also essential. This will enable your child to know when they need to shift their own interactions.

  1. (5) Making Eye Contact

Making eye contact while communicating demonstrates the confidence level of the speaker. It will successfully build trust as well as validity for the speaker in the mind of the listener. Moreover, it will help the speaker to understand the nonverbal facial expressions of the listener and comprehend responses. This will help your child in both personal and professional aspects of their life.

  1. (6) Possessing Basic Manners

Basic manners include how to communicate with elders, respect teachers, and eat food, to name a few. A polite child will surely win everyone’s heart and gain more opportunities later in life. Some of the best IB schools in Mumbai, such as Aditya Birla World Academy, ensure that their students cultivate good, basic manners.

  1. (7) Respecting Personal Space

As a devoted parent, you would surely love to be in the presence of your child, and the same is true and vice versa. That said, there are distinct times when you need your personal space, such as when other tasks are at hand. Your child must learn to know this and respect your personal space when you are busy with other activities.

  1. (8) Setting Boundaries

Your child must also know when to draw the boundary line when it comes to their inappreciable habits and behaviour. They must know what is acceptable and what is not.

  1. (9) Compassion and Empathy

Offering help to friends and demonstrating empathy with other classmates during their distressful times will ensure that your child grows to be an honest and compassionate human being.

  1. (10) Personal Health and Hygiene

One’s appearance, too, is a vital component of social skills. If your child follows clean practices and maintains hygiene by themselves, then they will be appreciated everywhere.

The Bottomline

The best IB schools in Mumbai give unrivalled importance when it comes to inculcating essential skills in children. Imbibing these skills in children at an incredibly young age ensures that they grow up to be responsible, disciplined, honest, and compassionate human beings.

Also read:

How to Motivate a Child to Learn New Skills





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