Top 10 Study Tips for Exams and Tests

Examinations are just around the corner. Do you have too much to study with very less time at your disposal? Are pressures and stress taking a toll? Here, we have listed the top 10 study tips for preparation of exams and tests.

So, let’s get started.

  1. 1. Come Up with a Study Plan

Before sitting down to pick up books and commence studying, you must initiate and create a study plan. This will not only help you maintain an excellent study schedule but also develop a roadmap of what needs to be done and when. Create a list of the topics and subjects that need to be studied, sort out your priorities for studying every subject, chart out the precise number of days before your exam or test, assign a specific duration for the study of each subject, frame your study hours per day, and lastly, develop a plan for a group-study time as well as breaks. The best international school in Mumbai, such as Aditya Birla World Academy (ABWA) gives immense importance to creating a study plan for its students.

  1. 2. Organise Your Study Space

It is a fact that students can focus and study at their peak when they have a comfortable and pleasant environment. Locate the best spot in the house or hostel where there is fresh air and immense light, replete with silence. Spaces with the least amount of distractions are the best spaces for quality studying. Make it a point to declutter the space from unwanted items. Switching off your mobile phone while studying is definitely in your interest. This is one of the study tips that are often overlooked by students. ABWA, one of the most reputed international schools in Mumbai, teaches its students how to learn fast for exam.

  1. 3. Take Breaks at Regular Intervals

The human brain functions at its optimum best when it is given periodic breaks. Research has proven that studying for short intervals with timely breaks is far more efficient than studying for long hours without any breaks. Forcing yourself to study when your mind is not active can only add to your exhaustion. Hence, take regular breaks, go for a short walk, or close your eyes for a few minutes. Prominent international schools in Mumbai (such as ABWA) recommend these tips for their students to follow.

  1. 4. Consume a Healthy Diet

When it comes to how to focus on studying for exams, this study tip is a no-brainer because excellent food habits lead to better health, thus providing more energy. Junk food is a strict no-no. Instead, consume plenty of fresh and nutritious food to avoid fatigue, sleepiness, and sickness. Drink lots of water to keep your body well hydrated. Consuming yogurt, seeds, and nuts can help in better memory retention and a boost in concentration.

  1. 5. Maintain an Optimum Sleep Routine

The best international school in Mumbai, which is ABWA, always stresses this study tip for its students. This is because while you sleep, your mind and body are at complete rest to regain strength and energy by completing the metabolism cycle of the day. Health experts suggest 8 hours of quality sleep are required. Some students prefer studying late at night while others prefer the early morning hours. So, develop an optimum sleep routine accordingly.

  1. 6. Give Studying in Groups a Try

When it comes to preparation for exams, studying in groups on some occasions can help you acquire more knowledge as well as ideas about the same subject and topic that you missed out on while studying on your own. Clarifying all doubts by asking questions to each other can lead to a clearer insight into the facts, with an additional improvement in memory. Thus, how to learn fast for an exam gets a boost and a shot in the arm.

  1. 7. Read Thoroughly and Jot Down Notes

Thorough reading is essential for learning any subject in its entirety. You must read and then crosscheck with additional info from other sources or authors. Creating brief notes while studying will surely increase your brain’s recall capacity. This is a useful study tip when it comes to how to focus on studying for an exam.

  1. 8. Peruse Previous Years’ Question Papers

After you are done studying the targeted syllabus and subjects, make it a priority to go through question papers from previous years. Besides making you realise that you are aptly prepared for your exam, this tip also offers you a chance to learn the type and nature of question papers of examinations.

  1. 9. Revise Time and Again

Revision is mandatory if you wish to ace an examination. Whether the revision is carried out a week before or a day before, it will certainly help in absorbing the already studied info in a much more detailed manner.

  1. 10. Plan the Examination Day

Planning the examination day will ensure that all things run smoothly. Obtaining all the info and requirements about the examination in advance is essential. On the examination day, wake up early in the morning, drink sufficient water, and eat light and nutritious food to avoid feeling drowsy. Moreover, you must sort out and carry all the needed stationery items, create a plan for your journey, and commence a tad early to avoid last-minute roadblocks.

The Bottomline

The examination day as well as the days in the run-up to the examinations can be extremely stressful for students. However, with the practice of the 10 study tips mentioned above, students will smoothly sail through these days, thereby eliminating the “dread” associated with exams.


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