10 Ways to Help Your Teen Succeed in High School

The teenage years are nothing short of troublesome. For parents- it comes in the form of having to deal with stubborn and rebellious teenagers. Whereas, for the teens- it comes in the form of dealing with hormonal changes, peer pressure, and mounting academic grind. Amidst this turmoil, it is vital for parents to focus on certain key factors that can help foster a good parent-child equation as well as empower the child to thrive in school. International schools, such as Aditya Birla World Academy , focus heavily on guiding parents through the duration of schooling. Just as teachers play an integral role in the performance of their students, parents play an equally important role at home. The role of a parent should never be undermined in the success of their child.

Now let's discuss the helpful 10 ways

1. Creating a conducive environment:

The most essential criteria to empower one’s child is to create a healthy and happy environment at home. The home should be a safe zone for the child. When teens feel that they are understood, valued, and respected in their homes, then their attitude at school is also positively impacted. A sense of security allows students to harness their inner potential and truly achieve what they are capable of achieving. Students that come from happy homes, are kinder, gentler souls and are more empathetic towards fellow classmates as well.

2. Not Comparing your child to another:

Seemingly harmless comparisons between your child and another may spiral into a well of insecurity, and the feeling of ‘not being good enough for your child. When a child is made to feel lesser than another, the child may truly start believing it. Eventually, this may shake up their confidence completely. Instead of making comparisons, if parents can motivate their children to perform better, then it is far more likely to lead to positive results.

3. Value the process rather than the grades:

As parents, the academic success of the child is often seen only once every semester in the form of their report cards. This, however, is a completely incorrect approach. The progress of the child should be seen on a day-to-day basis in terms of discipline, punctuality, respectfulness, etc. It is only when parents start to focus on these (correct) aspects, that their child will prosper. As they say- ‘It is not the result, but the journey that truly matters.’

4. Teaching them life skills:

Parents play a very crucial role in influencing the nature and attitude of their children. Parents can encourage their teens to follow a healthy daily schedule. This schedule should include academics, exercise, downtime as well as helping with household chores. When parents display qualities such as punctuality, being organized, prioritizing parental responsibilities, and discipline; then such attributes are naturally imbibed by their teens. Leading by example is the simplest and most effective method of teaching life skills .

5. Being Available:

Even in the middle of very busy schedules and travelling, parents must ensure that they are able to spend quality time with their children. Teens, especially, are going through a lot physically and mentally, and thus having their parents around to talk to is a very liberating feeling. Parents must make sure that they regularly touch base with their teens to ensure that they are not missing out on any issues that they may need to urgently address. These are the years that parents can really make or break their relationship with their children, so they must put in some extra effort.

6. Encouraging Reading:

Reading is a habit that parents must inculcate in their teens. Reading opens up the mind to newer thoughts and possibilities, promotes lateral thinking, and it improves one’s grasp of the language. Well-read children are more likely to succeed in school as they would possess knowledge outside of the textbooks as well.

7. Being Proactive:

Parents should be proactive, and ensure that they are in touch with other parents as well as teachers on a regular basis. Having proactive parents will always give a teenager an advantage in that they will be more aware of what is happening around them. By speaking with other parents, one can only learn and try to imbibe the good systems into their own life.

8. Helping teens with their problems:

Some parents are of the opinion that teens are old enough to solve their own issues and that their problems do not require any parental intervention. This, however, is a misconception. When teenagers are facing issues, they may be too immature to solve them by themselves. They may seek the help of other classmates who are probably dealing with their struggles as well. If parents lend a listening ear, then it not only gives teens the strength to better deal with it but also helps them reach better solutions to their problems.

9. Ensuring a healthy lifestyle:

A healthy lifestyle is essential to the success of any individual as it ensures good health and higher concentration levels . Parents of teens should strive to provide them with wholesome and healthy food as well as a comfortable environment at home. Good health is the founding block of a successful and happy individual.

10. Encouraging a balance of academics and extracurriculars:

Parents should understand that excelling at academics is not the only sign of an intelligent and successful teen. Allowing children to focus on whatever gives them joy and satisfaction is a must. When children choose their extracurriculars themselves, they are more likely to succeed in them.

Now, that we have already discussed the ways to help your teen succeed in high school, all you need to do is just start incorporating them into your regular life.

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Anshruta Poddar

Anshruta Poddar

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