How to Increase Attention Span in Children

Children, many a time, struggle when it comes to paying attention, and when they are assigned a task that they view as extremely challenging, the chances of them giving up, before even trying, are quite high. Aditya Birla World Academy, the best international school in Mumbai, gives unrivalled attention to enhancing the attention span of its students.

If you encounter a child that is losing focus regularly during demanding tasks, mentioned below are some key strategies that may help them increase their attention span, with improvement in the overall outcome of tasks.

Let’s discuss these ultimate ways of increasing attention span in children

  1. (1) Give Priority to Physical Activity

Children who seem to be struggling to pay attention often do much better if they are assigned regular breaks for active play. Allocating a break to bounce on an exercise ball, successfully breaking up learning into smaller chunks, playing outdoor games, practicing quick stretching, and even engaging in jumping jacks can assist all children to stay focused. Commencing with 15 minutes of active play prior to a challenging task can help children stay engaged for a longer period. Being the best international school in Mumbai, Aditya Birla World Academy ensures that all its students are empowered to give their best when it comes to paying attention.

  1. (2) Make Adjustments to Time Frames

If you notice that, despite your efforts, children just cannot seem to stay on a single task, it may be the apt time to eventually break content into smaller time intervals. If there is a need to adjust time frames for some or all students, go ahead and do so. In addition, one must exercise caution regarding lengthy lectures with children that have short attention spans. Such children must be kept involved with the material; hence, you must ask for responses on a regular basis, regarding the subject matter you are teaching or discussing. Even asking a simple question that can encourage children to raise their hands can be what is precisely necessary to keep children attentive to a task.

  1. (3) Get Rid of Visual Distractions

When a child is really struggling with a given challenging task, clutter on the desk or in the classroom will eventually make it impossible to keep him or her focused. Get rid of unnecessary clutter and visual experiences from the classroom. Aditya Birla World Academy, the best international school in Mumbai, is known for its immaculate classrooms. This gives the child much fewer excuses for not paying attention to the task at hand.

  1. (4) Engage in Memory Games

Memory is obviously not a muscle; however, it can help in improving focus. Memory games help sharpen that focus among children in a fun way, so that they have the ability to concentrate when anything challenging has been presented. Allocate regular times in a typical school day when the entire class engages in memory games.

  1. (5) Make Children Rate a Task

If you notice that a child is avoiding work constantly or appears to be overly distracted, let the child rate the level of challenge encountered in the activity on a scale of 1 to 10, with ten being the most challenging. If the rating is 8 or higher, ask what needs to be done to make the task and the eventual rating to be two or three. Many a time, you will get profound insight regarding what you can successfully do to help children decrease their level of frustration .

  1. (6) Break Tasks into Smaller Sections

Always check if a given task can be successfully broken down into smaller chunks. Have children focus long enough to perform a section of that task, then engage in breaks, and come back to complete the project. Children who have problems with paying attention may perform the given task much faster with such a strategy in comparison with simply finishing the task in one go. Aditya Birla World Academy, the best international school in Mumbai, leaves no stone unturned to ensure that all its students pay attention to a given task.

The Bottomline

Some children will struggle to pay attention to a challenging task in comparison with others. At the school level, authorities can take adequate measures to help improve focus and concentration for children. All that is needed is a little extra thought and work from your end to bring about a significant change when it comes to improving the attention span of children. The best international school in Mumbai, Aditya Birla World Academy excels in this aspect.

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